Monday, 26 July 2021

Kargil Vijay Diwas – Remembering Col. M B Ravindranath

Kargil Vijay Diwas – Remembering Col. M B Ravindranath and the Indian Army (all forces included) specially those who made the supreme sacrifice in service of our nation during the Kargil War in 1999.

This day, 26th July, 1999, will ever be etched in the annals of the bravery of the Indian Armed forces, and befittingly the entire nation will join the Indian Army in commemorating this momentous occasion of Kargil विजय दिवस every year on this very day. On the occasion of the 21st anniversary of the Kargil Vijay Diwas, it is a great honour and privilege for me to share this post as a mark of my reverence to all the armed forces, particularly the martyrs, who won this victory for us from the jaws of the death which they faced while battling at the Kargil peaks, which the enemy had occupied. The valour of our armed forces in this dreadful war, in which the enemy were majorly at an advantageous position by virtue of their deceitfully occupying the peaks of mountain tops in Kargil, can best be exemplified by its comparison with the ‘Charge of the Light Brigade’, by Alfred, Lord Tennyson, who, in his famous poem, portrays  the bravery of the 600 men of the Light Brigade, who marched into the jaws of death, into the mouth of hell, to safeguard the safety and integrity of the nation even to their own peril. True to the traditions of the Indian Armed forces, more than 500 (527 to be precise) sons of India made their supreme sacrifice fighting the enemy, who were trenched advantageously on the vantage point on top of the Kargil hills, while protecting our motherland to win the dreadful war, which was as treacherous a valley of death as the one faced by Lord Tennyson’s Light Brigade.

One of the major turning points in the victory of the Kargil War was shaped by the battle of Tololing, which the Indian army won under the command of Col MB Ravindranath - a fellow alumni of Sainik School Bijapur. Most tragically, we lost many precious lives in this battle. Tololing peak is a dominant position, which overlooks the strategic Srinagar-Leh highway. The Pakistani Regular Army and the Pakistani Mujahedeen, had infiltrated into India and had occupied this peak. The enemy was comfortably perched on top of the Tololing peak, which gave them a major advantage. Reclaiming the Tololing peak from the enemy was strategically of great importance, which was however one of the toughest challenges for the Indian Army due to rugged terrain of the hills and so also the vantage position, which the enemy had occupied on top of the peaks.

Three attempts were made for capturing this peak and the last successful attempt was led by our Sainik School alumni – Colonel MB Ravindranath under whose command the Tololing peak was captured. It was in the very early hours of 13th June, 1999 - at 4.10 a.m., that Colonel M.B. Ravindranath, commanding officer of the 2 Rajputana Rifles, sent a radio communication to the commander of the 8 Mountain Division - Major-General Mohinder Puri, who was camping some 20 km away, that his troupe had successfully captured the Tololing peak.  Colonel Ravindranath’s message was a simple but profound one which said "Sir, I am on Tololing Top." The significance of this Tololing victory can best be understood from the fact that the Army Chief, Gen. V. P. Malik, in a departure from traditions and protocols, personally called the commanding officer of the unit, Colonel Ravindranath, and said "well-done" and complemented Ravindranth and his men for their valour in successfully winning back the Tololing Peak from the control of the enemy. The importance of the capture of the Tololing peak is best understood in hindsight. Once the Tololing was captured from the enemy, it took just six more days for the Indian troops to notch up a string of back to back successes in evicting well-entrenched Pakistani army and their handlers from the four nearby outposts. These outposts subsequently became a house hold names, courtesy the media - Point 4590, Rocky Knob, Hump and Point 5140. The Tololing capture in a way also led to the recapture of another strategically important hill peak the Tiger Hill, which too is now a house hold name in India.

In the hard fought battle of Tololing, India lost Major Rajesh Adhikari who was posthumously awarded the Maha Vir Chakra, India's second highest military honour. The company of Grenadiers led by Major Adhikari had attempted a dare devilish assault to try and capture Tololing. Unfortunately, they were stopped just 15 m short of the ridge. It was at this point that Major Adhikari and two of his men made their supreme sacrifice in the hand-to-hand combat with the enemy. The incessant firing from the enemy and the loss of Major Adhikari and men, pushed the Grenadiers back, compelling Captain Sachin Nimbalkar, aged just 23 years, and his men to push back and perch behind a large rock on a cliff for three days, at a height of 15,000 ft. up.

It was at this point that the Indian army decided to use their artillery firepower – Bofors Howitzers and medium-sized guns. For those of us who have witnessed the heavy firing of these guns during this battle, their image and the fire power of the Bofors guns will remain etched in our memory. It was during this period of heavy artillery shelling on the enemy post by the Indian army that they also planned for fresh assault and organised the required logistics for the renewed attack, which was worked out thoughtfully. The 18 Grenadiers, who had shown exemplary valour in taking on the enemy from a weak position, were asked to hold on to the three positions on different ridge lines, which they were compelled to retreat in the face of the relentless firing from the heavily equipped enemy who held the strategic height advantage for inflicting heavy casualty on the Indian forces. The Grenadiers were ordered to provide a fire base to soldiers of a battalion of the relatively fresh 2nd Rajputana Rifles (2RR) regiment, who were now assigned the task of capturing the Tololing Top. 2RR assault, under the command of Col Ravindranath was to be launched from the firm foothold that the Grenadiers had established on slopes of three ridges, which was about 300 metres below the enemy's positions.

Col Ravindranth – the commanding officer of 2RR, had analysed and learnt from the previous attacks that were carried out by the Grenadiers.  He had accordingly prepared his men to face any eventuality.  The date for the final assault was chosen and Col Ravindranth prepared his men for that final assault on June 12. His men were given all necessary training and preparation for nearly a week by conducting mock operations on a nearby ridge, which had similar features as that of the Tololing, which they were tasked to capture. Ravindranth prepared a model of the final assault and the strategies for the assault was worked out on this sand and stone model, which was prepared based on the information gathered from the reconnaissance of the Tololing heights from different directions. He also ordered his men to test fire all their weapons and ammunition, so that it ruled out any aberrations of a defective ammunition. His men carried heavy ammunitions physically up the slopes below Tololing and his men included among others the washer men, cobblers and even barbers of the battalion. The situation was such that it needed four people to support one soldier in this battlefield. One of the men who was handpicked by Col Ravindranth for the mission was a young officer Lt Parveen Tomar, 23, who was commissioned just five months in to their regiment. He was aptly called the baby of the battalion. The team chosen by Col. Ravindranth consisted of 90 determined volunteers, which included among others Lt Tomar and even sportsmen, mostly athletes who had told Ravindranath that they want to prove that they are not good just in peace time but also in war. A day before the chosen date for the main assault, June 11, Col Ravindranth asked his officers and men to write letters to their family and these letters were left behind with friends to post in case some of them didn't return. On the day of the assault by around 8 PM, on June 12, The 2 RR assault team was ready for the task and were perched behind big boulders just about 300 m short of their main target – Tololing peak. Shortly before the charge, their commanding officer, Col. Ravindranath gave a final pep talk to his men. "I have given you what you wanted. Now, you have to give me what I want." It was a charged atmosphere and the men were waiting for this opportunity to prove their mettle. They were so charged up that it is said that a JCO, Bhanwer Singh with confidence oozing all across the battalion said to his CO – Col Ravindranath, "Sir, come to the Tololing Top in the morning. We will meet you there." Such was the confidence of 2 RR men who were ready to capture the Tololing Peak for their mother land at all costs.

Having faced earlier setbacks and so also loosing men, a well measured decision was taken that frontal attack was the only option to evict the enemy and capture the peak. However, unlike earlier attempts, this attack was well prepared and lessons of the past were learnt. Before the battalion could go on a frontal attack, as many as 120 artillery guns pounded the Tololing ridges incessantly, firing at least 10,000 shells. The resulting damage inflicted on the hills was so severe that one of the ridge line near Tololing Top, which was at the receiving end of the artillery fire got the name "Barbaad Bunker" by the troops. Col Ravindranth men were getting ready for the frontal final assault. Three characters from the Epic Mahabharata - Abhimanyu", "Bhim" and "Arjun" were among the soldiers who were climbing up the peaks getting ready for the assault. One of the officers - Lt. Vijayant, of 2RR was playing patriotic songs from the Hindi Movie Border on his Walkman to pep up his platoon. The momentous occasion came for the battalion to go for the assault when the artillery fire died down. The assault team of 2 RR Battalion, charged quickly. They had planned their move with one team heading straight up and another went around a lower ridge to cut off the enemy's retreat. A platoon of Grenadiers had in the meanwhile positioned itself to provide covering fire and prevent intruders on nearby ridges from coming to the aid of the enemy.  They used craters made by the shelling for cover as they inched up the slopes one at a time climbing the steep ridges by digging in bayonets for leverage and resorting to intermittent firing as they inched closer to the peak. The battalion moved slowly and by midnight, they were still progressing at very low pace since they were constantly under the fire of the Pakistani machine gunfire, which was fired incessantly by the enemy, who were positioned at the advantageous position on top of the hill. Around this time a reserve platoon, led by Major Gupta, attacked the enemy from the rear side and closed in on the Top. In the ensuing bitter hand to-hand combat with the enemy intruders, Gupta and six of his men were killed. Bhanwer Singh, the JCO who had extended the invitation to Colonel Ravindranath, was one among those who were martyred. But then in their ultimate sacrifice they had ensured that the Tololing Top belonged once again to India.

Once Tololing fell, the enemy's resistance on other nearby ridges faded. By June 13 morning, the Rajputana Rifles had recaptured "Barbaad Bunker" about 100 m south west of Tololing and Point 4590. By June 14, the Hump was taken by the Grenadiers. In the next three days, all points in nearby ridges were back in Indian hands. When the outcome unfolded at the top of these peaks it was seen that the war zone was littered with bodies of Regular Pakistan army from the Northern Light Infantry. Colonel Ravindranath, our school buddy who was one year senior to me in Sainik School, was awarded the Vir Chakra for his role in this battle. Even when the 2RR was celebrating their unimaginable victory in the face of certain death, the soldiers remained sombre having lost their comrades, who had made their supreme sacrifice in service of their motherland. Press reports have suggested that later that day, Col. Ravindranath, who is known for his exemplary leadership and for his calm and composed nature could not hold his emotions and wept in his tent as he counted the casualties that his men faced in this victory.  Such was the significance of this victory that once the heights above Drass valley became free from intruders a critical section of the 510-km long Srinagar-Kargil-Leh highway became very safe. "Tololing being bang on the road, it choked our throats," is what a field commander stated and added. "that pressure is now off."


This victory helped the Indian Army to the final Kargil victory and a cease fire was announced with the Indian Victory on 26th July 1999. The Tololing victory news was all over the print and electronic media and one such coverage in the Times of India, Delhi edition, was an erroneous news of the death of Col MB Ravindranath, who was declared dead while capturing the Tololing. Through our school friends, I managed to get a confirmation that the news was grossly wrong and he was alive and had exemplarily led his men to the Tololing Capture.  There is a belief that if someone is declared dead while he is still alive, he will go on to lead a long life, so I thought about our dear Ravindranath, but the almighty felt he could not live without him by his side and snatched him from us. Col Ravindranath died of a massive heart attack on 8th April 2018. Today while the nation is celebrating the Kargil Vijay Diwas, our school friends in Davanagere, the native place from which Col Ravindranath hailed, gave a befitting tribute to our war hero whose images I am privileged to share.

 Today is also another day to remember. One of our classmate Col Ajit Bhandarkar, about whose valour and martyrdom I have written earlier has now been immortalised through a monumental biography book which has been painstakingly researched and published by his wife Veer Nari, Mrs Shakuntala Bhadnarkar. This book – The Saga of a Brave Heart : Lt Col. Ajit Bhandarkar, Shaurya Chakra, was released on this occasion today - 26th July, 2021, at the National Military Memorial, Bangalore.

 Long Live Col Ravindranath, Col Ajit Bhadarkar and all the brave soldiers of the Indian Army who have made their supreme sacrifice in service of their mother land.


Jai Hind Jai Hind ki Sena.


Friday, 23 July 2021

Sensational Findings of 5 Million Covid Deaths in India by a US Report : Reality or a Myth.

 Sensational Findings of 5 Million Covid Deaths in India by a US Report : Reality or a Myth.

Most news papers in India front paged the news of an US study that claimed  5 million Covid deaths have occurred in India during the Covid pandemic (as on end of June 2021), as against the Indian official data of 4,18,987 deaths, as on 22nd July. The US study, published by the US-based think tank - Center for Global Development, whose authors include among others former chief economic adviser, Arvind Subramanian, made this sensational claim which made front page headline and prime time news in India. As expected politics took over and depending on which side of the political divide one is, either endorsed emphatically the US finding or ridiculed it completely. But then what could be the real data and does the US study has any credible evidence? You may put forth your arguments.

With my limited knowledge on this subject, I tried crunching published data from different sources to try and see whether the US findings is accurate. I feel it may not measure up to the exacting standards of scientific rigour that such a sensational claim warrants. This claim of a staggering 5 million deaths ensured that the news trended in all channels and news papers. Scientific study and findings should be based on exacting standards that are warranted in science, which are mandated to be based on anecdotal data and peer reviewed findings and never on apocryphal considerations. It is common parlance that most countries measure deaths by a number called Crude deaths per thousand population. If one studies these numbers over the years and compare it to the numbers in 2020, one can arrive at an intellectual inference on whether the claim of 5 millions Covid deaths merits any consideration. Considering the seriousness of the case it is better to rely on the data published by some international agencies and not on Government of India data, which the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare publishes. 

For that I looked up the data published by the United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects: 2019 and the data of crude deaths per thousand population in India over the years is as follows.

1960- 22.184

1970 -17.187

1980 - 13.29



2010 - 7.492

2015- 7.194

2016- 7.195


2018- 7.234

2019- 7.265.

But then we will also need the data for the year 2020 as well and for that I relied on the Data from the world data Atlas, India - It says that in 2020, crude death rate for India was 7.30 deaths per thousand population. The site further shows that the data for the year 2019 is 7.273 and for 2018 it is 7.237. This data more or less matches with the UN world population data. The data of 7.30 deaths per thousand population for the year 2020, appears to be scientifically validated. This shows that there has been an increase of 0.035 deaths per thousand in 2020 in comparison with 2019. One can also notice that between the years 2018 and 2019 -the pre Covid 19 pandemic period - there has been an increase of 0.031 deaths per thousand, which is more or less consistent during Covid and non Covid times with a minor increase of .004 per thousand in 2020, which may be due to Covid or otherwise.

The above data clearly reveals a fact that the total number of deaths in India have more or less been consistent with some small increase due to Covid and this shows that the Government of India data of total Covid deaths to be around 4.2 lakhs (till 22nd July) appears to be more credible than the 5 million deaths data put out by the US findings. If the US report was to be right, the data of Covid deaths for 2020 that they have estimated should have been reflected in the deaths per thousand for the year 2020 and that should have increased to around 10 or higher, per thousand population, which is not the case as per the data revealed by

According to the data by following is the approximate number of total deaths of people in India for the following years 

2020 - 10,07,3480.

2019 - 9925990

2018 - 9785020 

2017- 9652530

2016 - 9531110

2015-  9425870

The above data shows that in the year 2020 an additional 1,47,490 people died over and above the people who died in 2019. Similarly in the year 2019 an additional 1,40,970 people died over and above 2018. This increase in death appears to be some what similar and there is no sudden raise in the number of deaths in 2020, which the US finding shows.

This means that the trending news of 50 Lakh deaths due to Covid, published by US-based think tank Center for Global Development appears to be incorrect and perhaps this study may be based on apocryphal data and information. Does such sensational claims augur well for the the US think tank and it’s publishers is something which time will reveal. When one makes such overarching claims that gets front paged, it is expected that such studies and findings are based on exacting standards of published data that are warranted in science that are mandated to be based on anecdotal data and peer reviewed findings and never on apocryphal considerations.

With this argument one can say that the US study by the authors may not be based on the exacting standards of science at best or at worst some may call the report is based on voodoo science findings that may have had political bias and colour.

Thursday, 15 July 2021

Saga of a Braveheart : Lt. colonel Ajit Bhandarkar by Shakuntala Bhandarkar.

Saga of a Braveheart : Lt. colonel Ajit Bhandarkar 
 by Shakuntala

Ajit Vasudev Bhandarkar is one of those Brave hearts who made that supreme sacrifice and achieved martyrdom while upholding the safety, security and integrity of his  fellow countrymen and in service of his revered motherland. The saga of brave hearts must and should be told to the grateful nation, in whose honour they laid down their lives. The essence of what martyrdom means to the Indian ethos and how ‘Veergati’ has become reverential to the Indian culture is exemplified in the grand old epics of Ramayana and Mahabharata, which narrate the saga of martyrdom of hundreds of thousands of warriors on the battlefield that was fought for righteousness. Who better to script such a saga for one of the great Braveheart’s of India, Shaurya Chakra, Lieutenant Colonel Ajit V Bhandarkar, than his beloved wife, Mrs. Shakuntala Ajit Bhandarkar, a par excellence Veer Nari and an inspiration personified.

The book - The Saga of a Braveheart : Lt. Col. Ajit Bhandarkar, Shaurya Chakra, written by Mrs. Shakuntala Bhandarkar, chronicles the life and works of her husband, Ajit Bhandarkar. The author has drawn on a very wide ranging source of information and well researched references, consultation with friends, colleagues, associates of her husband and relied on other relevant material, which she has painstakingly researched and collated, to script an extraordinary biography and narrate the saga of her martyred husband, Lt Col Ajit Bhandarkar. The journey traces the saga of Ajit Bhandarkar from his birth in Mumbai in December 1960 to his childhood growing days  in Bangalore to his days in the Sainik School, Bijapur, where he spent seven formative years of his life from age 9 to 16. It is such a great honour and pleasure for me and all my batchmates that Lt Col. Ajit Bhandarkar was from our batch and he joined the Sainik School Bijapur with all our  batchmates in June 1970 and passed out of the school in 1977. Mrs Bhandarkar has written about the days that Ajit spent in our school and for doing so she has constantly interacted with a number of our batch mates - including yours truly, to collect information and know about Ajit’s time in the school, where he rose up to the highest rank - the School Captain. Ajit then joined the National Defence Academy, Pune and passed out from there with flying colours to join the Indian Military Academy, Dehradun, where he was commissioned into the armed forces. Mrs Bhandarkar seamlessly traverse the biographical sketch of nearly four decades of the life span of her beloved husband, Ajit Bhandarkar (1960-1999), including covering that highly emotional supreme sacrifice moment leading up to the ‘ANTIM PAG’ of his life. Colonel Ajit Bhandarkar’s coffin, draped in the tiranga - the national flag, was ceremonially transported from the spot where he was martyred in action in Jammu and Kashmir to the cremation grounds in Bangalore where the grieving nation led by the brave hearts wife, Mrs Shakuntala Bhandarkar and their two beloved sons - Nirbhay and Akshay aged 7 and 5, and other friends, families, men in uniform and several other distinguished dignitaries had assembled for bidding an antim farewell with complete military honours to the martyr and praying for his supreme soul to rest in eternal peace in the heavenly abode to which Lt. Col. Ajit Bhandarkar had transcended. 

When the nation was celebrating the 20 years of the victory of the Kargil war on 26th July  - Kargil Diwas, in 2019, the author of the subject book - Mrs Shakuntala Bhandarkar, while joining the nation in this celebration with sombre remembrance, recalled the supreme sacrifice that her husband had made just three months - 30th October 1999, after that historic Kargil victory in July that year. Her husband - Shaurya Chakra, Ajit Bhandarkar, had lived up to that extraordinary oath that he and all military officers take while crossing that last step - Antim Pag . ANTIM PAG’ is embarked on a granite slab at the Indian Military Institutions and the Gentleman & Lady Cadets pass over it during the prestigious Passing Out Parade (POP) to become a commissioned officer in the Indian Army, to serve the nation until the peril of their life. It is in fitness of things that the oath that the young officers take at the passing out parade at NDA and IMA, while crossing that Antim Pag is recalled here. “I …… do swear in the name of god that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the constitution of India as by the law established and that I will, as in duty bound, honestly and faithfully serve in the regular army of the union of India and go wherever ordered by land, sea or air and that I will observe and obey all commands of the president of the union of India, and the commands of any officer set over even to the peril of my life”. The last words typify the brave hearts in the Indian defence forces like  Lt. Col. Ajit Bhandarkar, whose saga has been brought to print by Mrs Bhandarkar.

It is heartening to note that Mrs Shakuntala Ajit Bhandarkar has chosen a special occasion and a befitting venue - National Military Memorial, Bangalore, to launch this inspirational book on the Kargil Diwas on 26th July 2021. It was on this day, 26th July, in 1999 that the Indian Army won an extraordinary victory by achieving a near impossible task of evicting the Pakistani armed forces from the Kargil peaks, which they had deceitfully occupied. The befitting reply and a bloody nose that our Braveheart Indian armed forces gave to the Pakistani is now a folklore. The Vijay Divas is therefore commemorated on 26th July every year to mark this historic victory occasion. The aftermath of the dreadful defeat that the Pakistani army faced at the Kargil war resulted in the Pakistanis accentuating the cross border terrorism by pushing in scores of terrorists into the Kashmir valley from the Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. 

During Oct 1999, just three months after the Kargil war, Lt Col Ajit Bhandarkar was serving with 25 Rajputana Rifles, which was deployed in Poonch district of J&K. This was an area which was infested with the terrorists and Ajit Bhandarkar and his his troops had to undertake counter-insurgency operations on a regular basis. An intelligence input was received by Bhandarkar’s unit that terrorists were hiding in Faisalabad village in the Poonch district. On 30 October 1999, after assessing the situation and ascertaining the position of the terrorists in the area a decision was taken to launch an operation under the leadership of Lt Col Ajit Bhandarkar, who had volunteered to lead the operation. As planned, a cordon and search operation was launched in the suspected area to eliminate five hardcore terrorists who were hiding in the village. As the operation was underway, Lt Col Ajit spotted four militants escaping towards a nullah. He immediately swung into action and while chasing the terrorists he shot down one of them at point-blank range. However, one terrorist who was hiding inside the nullah fired indiscriminately and injured Lt Col Ajit grievously. Despite being injured, he moved ahead and lobbed a grenade on the militant. He then crawled forward and shot down another militant. His daredevil action resulted in the elimination of three hardcore terrorists. Unfortunately, Lt Col Ajit Bhandarkar succumbed to his injuries and died at the spot of action and was martyred. For this act of courage and supreme sacrifice, Lt Col Ajit Bhandarkar was awarded the “Shaurya Chakra” posthumously. Mrs Shakuntala has covered this emotional incident with utmost equanimity, drawing upon information, reference and so also her interactions with one of the Men, who was part of this operation and had worked with Lt Col Ajit Bhandarkar. 

Mrs Shakuntala Bhandarkar has painstakingly researched and scripted the saga of the Braveheart by reaching out to many people with whom Lt Col Ajit Bhandarkar was associated to ensure that the biography is based out of sound research and the outcome is something which is definitively destined to inspire generation next to pursue the path of the Braveheart. We the class buddies of Lt Col Ajit Bhandarkar, at the Sainik School Bijapur, are so fortunate and indeed extremely grateful to Shakuntala ji that in her research and to get to the minute details of the years that Ajit spent at the Sainik School Bijapur, she reached out to us and she continues to be in touch with us. I am particularly grateful to her for having shared the manuscript of this book before it was published for my edits and comments. Similarly she has also made it a point to get in touch with  course mates of Ajit Bhandarkar at the NDA and also at IMA to herald the saga of his bravery. One can understand how hard it must have been for her to relive the life of her beloved husband, with whom she spent ten years. What is so very touching is that she also contacted the jawan who was a part of the operation where her husband- Braveheart Ajit Bhandarkar, was martyred, to chronicle this part of the last saga of the Journey of her husband. 

Shakunthala Bhandarkar, having gone through long period of trials and tribulations of being a martyr’s wife, is very passionate about helping other martyrs’ families. She is a volunteer with the Vasantharatna Foundation for Art since its inception and has contributed immensely in conducting various events and activities for the families of martyrs. She is a source of inspiration to many war widows and she continues to exhibit an undying passion to serve the nation, an attribute which she has picked up for her martyr husband that she has passed it on to both her sons. Both Nirbhay and his younger brother Akshay have joined the armed forces and incidentally Capt Nirbhay Bhandarkar has joined his father’s unit after passing out from OTA Chennai, while his younger brother Akshay Bhandarkar has joined the Indian Navy after graduating as an Engineer. 

Shakuntala Bhandarkar’s statement; ‘Life is a journey and we cannot change destiny, Ajit was destined to die on the battlefield with his boots on, which every soldier dreams off. So, I am happy in a way, that he has achieved his dream and lived his life to the full as a frontline soldier’, sums up the saga of the brave heart Ajit Bhandarkar.

On 26th July, 2021 - Vijaya Diwas, The Saga of a Brave Heart :  Lt. colonel Ajit Bhandarkar, the book written by Shakuntala Bhandarkar will be released in Bangalore at the National Military Memorial, Bangalore. Please order your copies and promote this book so that the saga of Ajit Bhandarkar and several such brave hearts saga is known to the people of the country. 

Jai Hind. 

3 February 2025, 100 Years of Railway Electrification in India: Nehru Science Centre Connection to this Legacy.

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