Monday 22 April 2024

Earth Day "Planet vs. Plastics” : Balancing Act of the Dual Nature of Plastic and Its Impact on Planet Earth

“Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. “Rachel Carson, The Sense of Wonder”.

 The Earth Day Network, which spearheads the world's largest environmental movement and leads the commemoration of ‘Earth Day’, succinctly defines the importance of this day. It emphasises that ‘this is the moment to change it all — the business climate, the political climate, and how we take action on climate. Now is the time for the unstoppable courage to preserve and protect our health, our families, and our livelihoods… together, we must Invest In Our Planet’.

 Every year Earth Day is commemorated under a specific theme and this year the theme is  "Planet vs. Plastics”. Although Plastics were a boon for humankind when they were discovered, but then human greed for overusing this wonder material has led to disastrous consequences, whose impact is evidenced in the resplendently visible scenes of plastic dumps and wastes strewn across cities and towns and majorly in the water bodies including seas and oceans.

 In the intricate balance between harvesting benefits of science and technology for human and societal welfare, there comes a time when the consequences of overuse and abuse of products of science we find ourselves at a crossroads where innovation meets responsibility. This dichotomy is more apparent when it comes to the use of plastic and polymer science.

 Birthed by the ingenious minds of chemists and scientists, there is no doubt that polymer science in general, and plastics in particular, have revolutionised our lives, offering convenience, durability, and versatility unparalleled by any other material. Yet, beneath the surface of this modern marvel and its applications lies an inconvenient truth: our over-reliance and careless disposal of plastics have inflicted grievous wounds upon our planet.

 As we commemorate Earth Day this year, the chosen theme of "Planet vs Plastic" serves as a poignant reminder of the delicate balance we must strike between progress and preservation. The story of plastic is one of triumph and tragedy—a tale of human ingenuity intertwined with environmental degradation by virtue of our irresponsibility in its usage. From life-saving medical devices to lightweight packaging, plastics have undeniably transformed modern society. The advent of polymer chemistry has paved the way for innovations that have enhanced countless aspects of our lives, from technology to transportation. However, with great power comes greater responsibility, and the unchecked proliferation of plastic has exacted an unprecedented heavy price on our planet.

 Plastics, designed for durability and longevity, possess a characteristic that is both a blessing and a curse—they are not easily biodegradable. This inherent property, while ensuring the longevity of plastic products, also means that discarded plastics persist in the environment for centuries, if not millennia. The consequences of this longevity are stark and far-reaching. Our oceans, once teeming with life and beauty, have become veritable graveyards of plastic waste. From microplastics to gargantuan garbage patches, our marine ecosystems are suffocating under the weight of our plastic addiction. Sea creatures, from majestic whales to diminutive plankton, are falling victim to ingesting or becoming entangled in plastic debris, leading to suffering and death on a staggering scale.

 On land, plastic pollution mars the landscapes we call home, contaminating soil, waterways, and the air we breathe. From littered streets to sprawling landfills that are seen in cities like Mumbai, the visible and invisible footprint of plastic extends far and wide, leaving a legacy of environmental degradation for future generations to inherit.

 Yet, amidst the despair, there is hope. The same innovative spirit that gave rise to plastic holds the key to mitigating its adverse effects. Advances in biodegradable and recyclable plastics offer a glimmer of hope for a more sustainable future. By harnessing the power of science and technology, we can develop eco-friendly alternatives to conventional plastics, closing the loop on the plastic lifecycle and minimizing our impact on the planet. For this to happen we the people must be vigilant citizens of this unique planet Earth, which we call home. Technological solutions alone are not enough. Addressing the plastic crisis requires a multifaceted approach that encompasses education, regulation, and individual responsibility. From reducing single-use plastics to implementing effective waste management strategies, every action, no matter how small, contributes to the collective effort to protect our planet.

 As we reflect on the theme of this Earth Day, let us heed the lessons of the past and chart a course toward a more sustainable future. Let us celebrate the ingenuity of plastic while acknowledging its limitations and the profound responsibility that comes with its use. For Earth is not merely a backdrop for human endeavors; it is a precious oasis of life in the vast expanse of the cosmos—a fragile jewel worthy of our utmost care and reverence.

 Here is a link to my blog which I wrote to commemorate Earth Day in 2022 in which I had highlighted the singularity of our beautiful Blue Planet, which is one and only one of its kind in the unending cosmos that houses billions of galaxies each of which is home to billions of stars and one such star Sun harbours us, our Blue Planet,  Earth,



Thursday 18 April 2024

Social Welfare and Freebies in Political Discourse


Ever since the announcement of the 17th Loksabha election schedule by the Election Commission, a googolplex amount of digital data (energy-guzzling medium) has been created, generated, and consumed by the Oceanic amount of space that is finding its place in various social media posts and so also on the What's App group chats.

Dime a dozen amount of forwards - some with heavy images videos and data - are getting circulated in social media and so also are animated discussions that have populated the Whats App groups. Tigers 77 is one such Whats App group, made up of members from the 1977 batch of Sainik School Bijapur students, and yours truly is one of its members. Yesterday, the group was engaged in a highly animated discussion on the forthcoming Lok Sabha election and one of the points discussed was the election manifestos of the parties. During this discussion, an interesting debate unfolded on the election manifestos of BJP and Congress, the two main Political parties. There was a heated debate on social welfare measures/freebies that formed a part of their election manifesto. Those in support of the ruling party justified the election manifesto of the BJP including the promises made in the manifesto. The opponents, however, dubbed the BJP party and their manifesto as a Jhoomla and their leader a dictator. The supporters of Congress tried to justify the promises made by the Congress in their manifesto. There was discussion on the economic ramifications of the election manifestos on the country. Even amidst a heated debate, one common understanding was that in the long term freebies are destined to create problems for the nation and this post of mine is an outcome of our discussion.

In one of my blog posts last year, written on December 13, I had posted about the tragedy of the commons. The concept of the “Tragedy of Commons,” famously elucidated by an ecologist, Garrett Hardin, serves as a poignant warning against the depletion of shared resources due to individual self-interest. Hardin’s thesis posits that when multiple individuals or groups act in their own self-interest without regard for the common good, they inevitably deplete or degrade a shared resource, leading to long-term detrimental consequences for all. Here is a link to that blog.

I am taking this premise forward to address the subject matter in the context of the 17th Lok Sabha Elections and its impact.

Social welfare mechanisms in an election manifesto typically entail sustainable policies aimed at uplifting marginalized communities through education, healthcare, employment opportunities, and social safety nets. These measures are designed to address systemic inequalities and promote long-term development. However, there lies a thin line between what social welfare measures and what one could call freebies.

Freebies often refer to short-term populist measures that provide immediate benefits without addressing underlying issues. While they may garner short-term support, they can strain government finances and undermine economic stability if not carefully managed.

Both NDA and I.N.D.I.A must therefore strike a balance between addressing societal needs through welfare programs and avoiding unsustainable practices that could lead to economic distress. Sustainable policies prioritize investment in human capital and infrastructure while fostering economic growth, ensuring a more equitable and prosperous future for all citizens.

The “Tragedy of Commons” provides a profound understanding of human behavior and its impact on communal resources. This holds critical relevance beyond environmental contexts, extending into the socio-political arena, particularly in the context of our subject matter and electoral politics and practices in India.

India, the world’s largest democracy, is currently in the throes of election fervor, with political parties vying for power through populist measures and promises of freebies. However, amidst the clamor for votes and electoral victories, there lies a perilous path paved with the allure of freebies and short-term gains, ignoring the looming specter of economic ruin and societal degradation akin to the Venezuelan example.

Venezuela once hailed as an economic powerhouse in Latin America, descended into chaos and destitution as successive governments implemented populist policies, including extensive freebie programs. By lavishing free goods and services upon its citizens without sustainable economic foundations, Venezuela unwittingly propelled itself into a downward spiral of hyperinflation, scarcity, and social unrest. The tragic outcome serves as a sobering reminder of the perils of sacrificing long-term economic stability at the altar of short-term political gains.

In the Indian context, the proliferation of freebies, ranging from subsidized food grains and healthcare to loan waivers and cash transfers, has become a cornerstone of electoral strategies. While these promises may garner short-term electoral dividends, their long-term repercussions threaten to undermine the very fabric of the nation’s economic resilience and social cohesion. The Tragedy of Commons, as articulated by Hardin, elucidates the inherent flaw in the culture of freebies perpetuated by political parties. Just as individuals exploiting shared resources lead to their depletion, political parties indulging in reckless populism jeopardize the nation’s fiscal health and social equilibrium.

By pandering to immediate gratification and neglecting the imperative of responsible governance, they squander the collective wealth and well-being of future generations. Moreover, the insidious nature of freebies breeds a culture of dependency and entitlement, eroding the spirit of self-reliance and innovation that are indispensable for national progress. Instead of fostering a culture of empowerment and sustainable development, the proliferation of freebies engenders a vicious cycle of dependency, wherein citizens become passive recipients rather than active participants in the nation’s growth story.

To avert the impending Tragedy of Commons in the realm of Indian politics, a paradigm shift is imperative. Political discourse must transcend the allure of short-term electoral gains and embrace a vision of inclusive growth and responsible governance. Rather than succumbing to the temptation of populist measures, political leaders must chart a course guided by prudence, foresight, and a steadfast commitment to the common good.

In conclusion, the Tragedy of Commons serves as a poignant allegory for the perils of political populism and the unsustainable pursuit of freebies in Indian elections. By heeding the lessons of history, particularly the cautionary tale of Venezuela, and embracing a holistic approach to governance rooted in fiscal discipline and social equity, India can navigate the treacherous waters of electoral politics toward a brighter and more sustainable future for generations to come and look forward to India that is Bharat becoming a developed nation on or before we celebrate our centenary of Indian independence.


Tuesday 9 April 2024

Ugadi / Gudi Padwa (Vikram Samvat 2081) : Beginning of a Hindu New Year

Ugadi or Gudi Padwa marks the beginning of a New Year of Vikram Samvat (2081) of the Hindu Calendar. Vikram Samvat is believed to be the day when emperor Vikramaditya defeated the Sakas and invaded Ujjain. The day is celebrated differently in different parts of the country. However, the underlying message remains the same - to welcome the New Year with positivity and optimism and to face happiness, sorrow and surprises that are a given all through our lives, every year.

Ugadi / Gudi Padva - former celebrated by the people of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Telangana and the later celebrated by the people of Maharashtra and Goa - falls on the first day of the Shukla Paksha of the Chaitra month of the Hindu calendar. Ugadi, or Yugadi is derived from two Sanskrit words ‘Yuga’ meaning ‘age’ and ‘adi’ meaning ‘beginning’. Ugadi, therefore, marks commencement of a new Hindu Lunar Calendar with a change in the moons orbit. It is believed that Ugadi, which usually falls in the last quarter of March or first half of April of the Gregorian Calendar, marks the beginning or the first day of the new age and this year, according to the Hindu Panchang, Ugadi will be celebrated on this day, 9 April, 2024. 

Legend has it that Bhagwan Brahma (one of the three main Gods in the Hindu pantheon, Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshvara ) created Brahmand (Universe) on this day. Then came the Yuga, which was created by Lord Vishnu. Yugaadikrit is one of the many names of Lord Vishnu, which means the creator of ages or Yuga. Therefore, on this day, devotees worship Lord Vishnu - the creator of Yuga or ages. For the people living in the Deccan region, Ugadi is an important day, besides its spiritual significance, it also marks the arrival of the spring season. The day begins with the morning bath (shower) where neem leaves are mixed in water. Neem is also used in preparation of one of the special sweet recipes, which is prepared using Bevu ( neem flowers) Bella (jaggery), raw mangoes and dry fruits. 

I remember that my sister used to prepare this mouth watering delicious dish to celebrate the festival of Ugadi. This sweet dish - very popular in north Karnataka the region to which I belong - prepared to mark the occasion of Ugadi, uses an ingredient mixture of sweet, bitter and pungent. This dish symbolises that life is a mixture of happiness, sadness, anger, disgust, fear and surprise and that we must be prepared to face it all. The Sweet taste comes from jaggery that is used in abundance and this ingredient symbolises sweetness of life or happiness. Astringent or pungent taste comes from raw mangoes or tamarind, this symbolises that life is full of surprises which come our way and we should be prepared to face them. Then comes the bitter taste that is derived from neem flowers, which represent sorrow which too is an integral part of all our lives. This special dish prepared to mark the Ugadi, metaphorically speaking, prepares us for the year ahead, that may be filled with a mix of happiness, sadness and surprises. 

Speaking of sadness and surprises COVID 19 was a disgusting surprise for all of us when it began to spread its tentacles in Indian in 2020. Ironically, four years ago, Ugadi was celebrated on 26th March, 2020, which was the first day of the beginning of the saga of the COVID 19 lockdowns that was first announced by the Prime Minister on 25th March 2020 for three weeks. The lockdown was later extended and what followed is now history. India and the world have passed through the worst of times with loss of millions of lives and many more millions of loss of livelihood and suffering (680 plus million people affected by COVID 19 and over 6 million deaths). Although COVID 19 is behind us, it has taught us to be resilient to face such shocks and disgusting surprises. Wishing you all a very happy Ugadi / Gudi Padwa. May this new year usher in good health and happiness and may the years ahead, truly be the Amrit Kaal for Indians as we head towards achieving our aspirations to make our country Vikshit Bharat, by the time we celebrate the centenary of our independence.

Wednesday 3 April 2024

40th Year of Rakesh Sharma's Tryst with Space and his Enduring Words “Saare Jahan Se Achha”


This post is courtesy of my fellow Ajeet – An alumnus of Sainik School Bijapur – Ranga, who has been working tirelessly to populate the Ajeet Knowledge Forum (AKF) YouTube Channel with all the videos of the distinguished speakers who were hosted by AKF over the past two and half years. One of our distinguished speakers was Wing Commander Rakesh Sharma, who delivered an inspirational lecture on his tryst with space destiny and motivated young Ajeet and cadet Ajeets, from Sainik School Bijapur who had joined this online lecture.

 Today, April 3, 2024, marks the fortieth anniversary of that historic and pivotal moment in Indian history when Wing Commander Rakesh Sharma - then Squadron Leader - embarked on a journey that transcended the bounds of Earth's atmosphere, and created history. He became the first Indian astronaut to venture into space when he flew aboard the Soviet rocket Soyuz T-11 launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome in the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic on 3 April 1984

 As Rakesh Sharma soared into the cosmos, he carried with him the aspirations and dreams of a nation that had begun to appreciate the vision of the father of the Indian Space program, Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, of harvesting the benefits of space applications for human benefits, as exemplified by the three stellar projects Satellite Instruction Television Experiment (SITE), developing an Indian Satellite (Aryabhata) and also launching an indigenous space launch vehicle (SLV). Rakesh Sharma’s mission was not merely a scientific endeavor but a testament to human ingenuity and the unyielding spirit of exploration. Amidst the vastness of space, he encountered a moment that would resonate with generations to come – a moment when he was asked by then Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi, "How does India look from space?"

In response, Sharma uttered words that would reverberate across the nation: "Sare Jaha Se Achha". These words continue to encapsulate the feelings of 1.4 billion people even today. These words became an anthem of pride, echoing through the hearts of millions and inspiring a sense of unity and patriotism.

The alumni of our prestigious Sainik School Bijapur, Ajeets Alumni Association (AAA), had the privilege of hearing firsthand accounts of his journey and experiences in space. It was on 9 April 2022; Rakesh Sharma's enduring legacy was commemorated in a monumental event which was hosted by AKF under the auspices of the AAA.

His lecture transcended the boundaries of time and space, transporting the audience into the awe-inspiring realm of the cosmos. He imparted invaluable insights into the human spirit and the quest for knowledge. His words resonated with the audience, igniting a spark of curiosity and ambition in the hearts of Ajeets and cadet Ajeets.

Here is a link to his talk on the AKF YouTube Channel

The AKF - true to the culture and traditions of our alma mater SSBJ - follows a protocol while hosting lectures of distinguished speakers under the auspices of the AKF platform and that includes a six to seven-minute introduction of the speaker by one of the Ajeets. Wing Commander Rakesh Sharma was introduced by one of our senior Ajeets, General Arjun Muthanna. I had the honour to prepare the introduction of the speaker and I am happy to share this on my blog as we celebrate the fortieth year of Wing Commander Rakesh Sharma’s Space Odyssey.  

Introduction to Wing Commander Rakesh Sharma for the AKF Meet held on 9th April 2022.

Space has always been fantasised about and romanticised by humankind. There are very few people who have had the pleasure and privilege to have fulfilled their fantasy of going to space. We the Ajeets are so very lucky that today’s speaker - Wing Commander Rakesh Sharma- is the one and only person from India to have achieved this distinction. Having walked the very precincts of the institute, from where Rakesh Sharma ji passed out – National Defence Academy Pune – on behalf of the AAA and AKF, it is a great honour for me to introduce Wing Commander Rakesh Sharma and I am so very humbled to be doing this honour.

Wing Commander Rakesh Sharma is a name that no Indian will ever forget. His iconic “Saare Jahah Se Accha” reply to the question that Mrs Indira Gandhi, the then Prime Minister of India, asked, “Bharat Asman Se Kaisa Dikhta Hai? (how India looked from outer space) is something which resonates with all Indians. For all Indians, his words have remained as profound as the words of Neil Armstrong –  “One small step for man and a giant leap for mankind”.  Rakesh Sharma continues to be the first and the only Indian to date and the 138th person to travel in space. He spent eight days in the Salyut 7 space station beginning on 3 April 1984 and his feat made India the 14th nation to send a man to outer space.

Rakesh Sharma ji is the recipient of the prestigious Ashoka Chakra, the highest peacetime gallantry award, awarded by the Indian Government. His other coveted awards include the Hero of the Soviet Union and The Order of Lenin by the erstwhile Soviet Government.

Born on 13 January 1949 in Patiala Punjab - on the auspicious Lohri (Sankranti) Day festival, the boy Rakesh Sharma was destined for an extraordinary achievement later in his life. He remains the only Indian citizen to have travelled into space to date. (There have been other Indian-origin astronauts, but they were not bonafide Indian citizens at the time of space travel). Rakesh Sharma completed his schooling in Hyderabad at St. George's Grammar School and graduated from Nizam College, Hyderabad. He then joined the prestigious National Defence Academy as an Air Force plebe in July 1966 and was commissioned into the Indian Air Force as a pilot in 1970.

Indian tryst with space had begun in the late sixties with the dreams of Vikram Sarabhai and Prof Satish Dhawan. By the 1980s, the Indian Space Research Organisation was on a development curve so impressive that on certain space missions, the Russian Space Agency collaborated with ISRO. In one such collaboration – space mission - Squadron Leader Rakesh Sharma was selected for a space voyage, on 20 September 1982, to become a cosmonaut and go into space as part of a joint programme between the Indian Air Force and the Soviet Interkosmos space programme on the Soyuz T-11 with Russian cosmonauts. That meant the standby Indian Astronaut Wing Commander Ravish Malhotra had to stay back.

Sharma left for Russia to complete a gruelling training under the Russian scientists' watch. Unfortunately, when he was undergoing his training, tragedy struck his family but then like that quintessential brave Indian soldier that he was, he continued on the mission entrusted to him, and on 3 April 1984, he was launched into space as on schedule thus becoming the first Indian to go to space.

The Soyuz T-11 spacecraft carrying cosmonauts including Sharma docked and transferred the three-member Soviet-Indian international crew, consisting of the ship's commander, Yury Malyshev, and flight engineer, Gennadi Strekalov, to the Salyut 7 Orbital Station. Sharma spent 7 days, 21 hours, and 40 minutes aboard the Salyut 7 during which his team conducted scientific and technical studies which included forty-three experimental sessions. Interestingly Rakesh Sharma had the privilege to savour Indian delicacies in space courtesy of the Defence Food Research Laboratory in Mysore. It had packed Indian delicacies viz. suji halwa, alu choley , and vegetable pulao for Sharma, which he gladly shared with Malyshev and Strekalov in outer space. Yoga which has now gained international fame is what Rakesh Sharma practised for 10 minutes every day while in space and advised other astronauts to do the same to avert space sickness.

Rakesh Sharma flew 21 Operational Missions on a Mig-21 aircraft during the Indo-Pak War in 1971. He was selected for the Production Test Pilots Course in 1975 and later, in 1979 for the Experimental Test Pilots Course at the Test Pilot’s School of the Indian Air Force’s Aircraft and Systems Testing Establishment, Bangalore.

He served as an Air Force Test Pilot for 15 years before being seconded to the Industry, in 1987. It was during this period that he was selected for the Joint Indo-Soviet Space Mission.

Rakesh Sharma returned to his test flying career after the space flight and served as the Chief Project Pilot of India’s Light Combat Aircraft ‘Tejas’ and, as Chief Test Pilot of Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL). During this period, his skills were extensively utilized by HAL on its indigenous Intermediate Jet Trainer Project. Out of a flying career spanning 33 years, he spent 24 years testing aircraft and systems. During this period, he flew 4000 hrs on all front-line fighter aircraft of the Indian Air Force, apart from the NT-33, NF-16, and the F-18. Retired from test flying in July 2001.

Post his retirement he joined the IT Industry in 2001 as the Chief Operating Officer of a Business Process Management IT company. Later, he headed the Indian Aerospace and Defence business unit of Parametric Technology Corporation, USA, till his retirement from active service in 2009.

Post-retirement, he was appointed as Chairman of the Board of Candela Labs, an IT company located in Bangalore till he decided to step down in 2019. 

He now lives in Coonoor in Tamil Nadu and is a non-executive chairman of Bangalore (Bengaluru) Based Cadila Lab.

Incidentally, yours truly had the honour to host Wing Commander Rakesh Sharma as one of the distinguished guests while commemorating the 60th year of human space flight in April 2021. It was on 12th April 1961 that Yuri Gagarin became the first Cosmonaut in Space. To commemorate this historic occasion, the Nehru Science Centre, Mumbai tied up with the Russian Centre for Science and Culture to organise a mega event involving Cosmonauts from Russia and Wing Commander Rakesh Sharma. This event was organised on 9 April 2021, online.

Thursday 21 March 2024

22 March 2024, World Water Day: Water for Peace



“Anything else you’re interested in is not going to happen if you can’t breathe the air or drink the water.” - Carl Sagan


"It is scarcity and plenty that make the vulgar take things to be precious or worthless; they call a diamond very beautiful because it is like pure water, and then would not exchange one for ten barrels of water.” - Galileo


March 22 is observed as World Water Day, this year, the focus is on the theme, ‘Leveraging Water for Peace’. UN adopted a resolution to observe World Water Day in its UN General Assembly on December 22, 1992, and ever since March 22 is observed every year, around the world as World WATER Day (WWD). The first WWD was observed in the year 1993. The objective of commemorating this day is to draw the attention of the people to the global water crisis and enhance awareness of its impact on our survival on this unique planet. Besides, this day is also commemorated to "support the achievement of UN sustainable development goal (SDG) 6: water and sanitation for all by 2030."

Every one of us is aware that 'Water is the elixir of life'. From drinking to cleaning and other things, life cannot be sustained without it. While many people are privileged to have running water 24/7, there is a huge population around the globe that does not have access to any amount of water and it is this scarcity that can lead to conflicts and therefore, it is timely that we learn the importance of water and leverage this precious resource, which the nature has bestowed on our planet, for peace by learning to cooperate to live peacefully.  Our planet Earth - a blue planet - is the only known celestial body in the vast universe, which harbours water and sustains life in its vast diversity. This is profoundly evidenced in an excerpt taken from the famous Carl Sagan book - Pale Blue Dot. It highlights the vastness of the cosmos, amidst billions of galaxies and countless stars, there exists a singular marvel—a blue oasis of life known as planet Earth. What sets our home apart from the cosmic tapestry is not merely its breathtaking beauty or its intricate ecosystems, but the presence of a precious resource that makes our planet look blue and sets it apart from other celestial bodies for its uniqueness in harbouring water which sustains all forms of life.

Water, the elixir of life, flows like a vein through the heart of our planet, nurturing and sustaining every living being in its embrace. From the depths of the oceans to the heights of the mountains, from the lush forests to the parched deserts, water is the thread that weaves together the fabric of life, shaping landscapes and ecosystems with its gentle touch. Unfortunately, over the years our greed and an unending and uncontrolled development have resulted in water stress in many areas, which can be seen in the city of Bengaluru, which is now in the headlines.

According to a UN report, 1.8 billion people live in homes without safe drinking water, and each year, 829,000 people die from diseases directly attributable to unsafe water, inadequate sanitation, and poor hygiene practices. WWD is commemorated every year to remind people of the precious resource that we often take for granted.   Some 650 million people, nearly one in 10 of the world's population, do not have access to improved sources of drinking water and one in three lacks improved sanitation, putting them at risk of infectious diseases and premature death. UN-Water, the United Nations inter-agency coordination mechanism for all freshwater-related issues including sanitation, concluded that the major sources of water pollution are from human settlements and industrial and agricultural activities.


As stewards of this precious gift, it is our collective responsibility to safeguard and preserve our water resources for future generations. Through conservation efforts, sustainable management practices, and equitable access initiatives, we can ensure that every individual has the opportunity to thrive in a world where water is abundant, clean, and accessible to all. Let us pledge to be mindful of our water footprint, and to cherish and protect the rivers, lakes, and oceans that sustain life on our planet. Let us work together to harness the power of innovation and technology to address the challenges of water scarcity and pollution, forging a path towards a more resilient and water-secure future for all.

On this World Water Day, let us unite in our commitment to protect and preserve this precious resource, recognizing that the health and well-being of humanity are intricately linked to the health of our planet's water systems. Together, let us strive to ensure that the blue planet continues to shine brightly as a beacon of life and vitality in the vast expanse of the universe.

Happy World Water Day

The year 2013 was commemorated as the International Year of Water Cooperation and the National Council of Science Museums, the organization where I worked used this opportunity to organize the National Science Seminar for students under the theme “ Water Cooperation Issues and Challenges” and the Nehru Science Centre, Mumbai was tasked to conduct this seminar. This was one of the most successful events and a special souvenir was brought out on the occasion which contained many articles including an article by yours truly which was later published on my Blog whose link is given below.


Tuesday 19 March 2024

Tribute to Wing Commander, K R Rao - An Unsung Hero of Indian Space Program


Tribute to an unsung hero, nonagenarian, Wing Commander, K R Rao, who passed away in the US on 17 March.

 Dr. YS Rajan, one of those early birds who worked with Dr Sarabhai in the founding of ISRO, posted a tribute to Wing Commander, K R Rao, on his passing away, and highlighted his contributions to the Indian space program. His post - reproduced below from his Facebook - has motivated me to offer my tribute to Wg. Cdr Rao.

Posted below is Dr Y S Rajan's Tribute to Wg Cdr K R Rao from on his Facebook post

"I am posting this to pay my respects to one of the great son of India and a pioneer in Satellite Communication and Remote Sensing in India. But a forgotten hero!!! That person is Wg Cdr (retd.) K R Rao. He breathed his last in USA on 16th March 2024 at 7:30 pm Eastern Time USA as informed by his daughter Usha Rao. He was the first to build Experimental Satellite Communication Earth Station (ESCES) which has trained not only Indians but hundreds of persons from many developing countries. Based on that Dr Vikram Sarabhai "fought" with P N Haksar to allow his INCOSPAR to quote for the global tender of GOI to build a overseas communication terminal. Tender did not allow those without prior delivery experience to quote. VS did not want any other concession. He had the confidence that KRR will win and deliver. It was for Arvi station 96 ft. antenna and related equipment. Indeed KRR not only won the global tender but and also delivered it ahead of schedule and well within quoted cost. I have seen KRR from those days as I was in PRL Ahmedabad since 1964, with PERT charts to talk to VS. Based on that VS created the Satellite Communication Systems Division (SCSD) with a mandate to make earth stations and sell to the world as Satcom has started to spread. KRR geared up. It would have been the first Space Company of India!!! But alas Destiny had its way and snatched VS away at a young age. In the ISRO's internal politics during the transitional period the upright KRR was a victim and was "dumped" into ISRO HQ at Bangalore. Was given odd jobs.( VS's vision of India being a major player in satcom ground station market died of with him as KRR was moved out.) But Destiny had another major space application to be taken care of, for India. Another great science and technology pioneer Dr Arcot Ramachandran who was then Secretary DST GOI, foresaw the great role of remote sensing applications and wanted to use the US offer of giving free access to their Earth Resources satellite LANDSAT data to those who can set up necessary ground station and data processing equipment. Tight schedules. AR got the then PM Indira Gandhi's approval and National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA) was formed in Hyderabad. Naturally KRR was picked up as its first Founder Director. Remarkable speed and excellent execution. Landsat data over India was available to India and world. In addition NRSA gave various other operational services to users in various departments and agencies on a commercial basis. There was an aircraft division too. So an operational service agency was established in India (outside ISRO) to receive data from remote sensing satellites and provide user services. But for this ISRO's plans to launch indigenous remote sensing satellites would have had a set back: satellite up but no matching ground infrastructure! ( Recall what is happening to ISRO's navigation satellites now!!!). Prof Dhawan realised this unique role of NRSA for ISRO's vision of reaching RS applications to all walks of life. In fact it so happened that for several years in the 2000's India was the WORLD leader in supplying RS data and in India's own applications. It was possible because NRSA was established in time by KRR and given its work culture to meet user demands. Prof SD had discussed with me about NRSA to be brought under Dept of Space. KRR did a good job even after transfer. But the dominating ISRO forces inside made him to decide to quit NRSA which was then a well functioning organisation. I had worked closely with KRR. He was naturally picked up by many international agencies. Loss to India!!! He spent his later years with his daughters settled in USA. I salute the great man and a great space pioneer."

Dr YS Rajan - A co-Author of Dr APJ Abdul Kalam's "India 2020 :A Vision for the New Million" Book

Way back in 1975, when Indian space was in its infancy - lost its founder Dr Vikram Sarabhai - and was beginning to establish itself with the three visionary projects of its founder – the launch of SLV, satellite (Aryabhata), and the SITE program - there was this legendary Indian Airforce officer Wing Commodore Keshava Murthy Ramachandra Rao, who made profound contributions to Indian space program. He was instrumental in establishing the National Remote Sensing Agency, with support from Prof Satish Dhawan. His prophetic vision for harvesting the applications of space science for India – aligned with the vision of ISRO founder Dr Sarabhai - can be seen from one of his interviews which he gave to India Today in 1980: When asked, “What special advantages does it hold for the country? Wing Commodore Rao who had established the NRSA in 1975 said “The country is large and the conventional methods and processes of estimating resources take a long time. For example, to update maps it will take about 20 years. When there are dynamic themes like water, agriculture, and forestry, the conventional methods cannot be monitored correctly. The whole agricultural season is over in a few months. Therefore, we have to think of new methods of mapping and surveying. Here, remote sensing is the answer.” His prophetic vision evidenced in this statement, now finds utterance when we witness the success of the Indian Remote Sensing Satellites.

Wing Commander Keshavamurthy Ramachandra Rao, was commissioned in the Technical Signals Branch of the Indian Air Force on 4 July 1950 and became a Flight lieutenant in 1954 and Squadron Leader in 1961 and later promoted as a Wing Commodore in 1967. He retired from service in 1971. He attended several specialist and staff courses in India and abroad, in which his performance was of the highest order. He was awarded the Woods of Colchester Prize in 1962 for standing first in his course at the College of Aeronautics, Cranfield (UK) thus bringing credit to the Air Force and the nation. Wing Commander Rao was sent on deputation to INCOSPR (later, Indian Space Research Organisation) in May 1965. It was here that Rao worked closely with Dr Sarabhai and achieved all those remarkable achievements which have been so heartfully penned down by Dr. Y S Rajan in his tribute post, which I am so honoured to share.

Wing Commander, Rao specialized in tackling projects involving new technology and challenging tasks as evidenced in the post of Dr Rajan. He spearheaded the establishment of the Arvi Station. AVRI project marked the beginning of antenna control servo systems in India. The 97 ft diameter antenna with Cassegrain geometry, weighing around 300 tonnes was steered in azimuth and elevation axes to track geosynchronous satellites within 0.03°, a very high accuracy. This was one of the most important achievements for ISRO, made for the first time in India, which put India on the world’s space communication map.

Wg Cdr Rao faced problems after the demise of Dr Sarabhai. However, his unwavering dedication and expertise in the field of space applications found a new avenue to flourish under the stewardship of Professor Satish Dhawan. It was during this transformative era that Rao's seminal proposal to establish the National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA) received the green light, with the founding of NRSA in 1975, heralding a new era in India's remote sensing capabilities.

Under Rao's stewardship, NRSA emerged as a beacon of excellence, harnessing the power of remote sensing satellites - launched by ISRO - to harvest and mine invaluable data. His visionary leadership and unwavering commitment propelled India to the forefront of the global stage in remote sensing, earning accolades and admiration from across the world.

As news of Wing Commander, KR Rao's passing reached our shores, a profound sense of loss enveloped the scientific community, which is seen in the tribute of Dr YS Rajan. Yet, amidst the sorrow, let us not forget to celebrate the legacy of this remarkable individual—a pioneer whose contributions have shaped the destiny of our nation and inspired countless generations to reach for the stars.

As we bid farewell to a titan of the Indian space program, whose works have been sadly unheralded, I am sure in honor of his memory ISRO will continue to push the boundaries of knowledge and innovation, just as Rao himself dared to dream. Though he may have departed from this earthly realm, his spirit shall forever soar among the stars, a testament to the enduring power of human ingenuity and perseverance. 

Rest in peace, Wing Commodore KR Rao. Your legacy shall forever illuminate the heavens, guiding us toward a brighter future filled with endless possibilities.

Tuesday 12 March 2024

Ramzan: The Holy Month of Spiritual Reckoning, Begins today in India.


Ramadan - also known as Ramazan or Ramzan - is considered to be a divine and holy month for the 1.6 plus Billion Muslims of the world. The commencement of the holy month of Ramadan begins with the sighting of the crescent moon in Saudi Arabia. Yesterday many people took to X (formerly Twitter), to announce the sighting of the crescent moon in India. The Crescent of Ramadan 1445/2024 was sighted in many cities in India yesterday. Since the crescent moon was sighted on March 11, the Ramadan fasting will begin today, March 12 in India. Accordingly, for Ramadan 1445/2024 the Sehri time in Mumbai starts at 5.38 AM, March 12, 2024, and the Iftar time starts at 6.48 PM.  The Prime Ministers joined the nation in extending greetings to the people of India at the start of the Ramzan.

 Ramzan - the ninth month of the Islamic calendar - happens to be a sacred month in the Islamic culture. Every year Muslims across the world eagerly wait for the month of Ramadan to immerse themselves in praying for Allah and to raise their spiritual level and surrender before Allah during this holy month. Muslims believe that the holy Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) by Allah during the month of Ramadan, thus making it the holiest month in the Islamic lunar calendar.

 This year Ramzan began with the sighting of the crescent moon yesterday in India and will last for one month. Ramadan happens to be the ninth month in the Islamic calendar, which adheres to the lunar calendar that consists of 12 months with each month having nearly 30 days. Contrary to the Gregorian calendar, which is used as the official calendar in most parts of the world, particularly the Western countries, the Lunar Calendar, which the Muslims follow, lasts for 29 or 30 days a month and 12 months constitute a year.

 During the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims are mandated to observe Roza - meaning they do not consume food or water during the period from sunrise to sunset. Partaking in Roza during the holy month of Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, along with the daily prayer, declaration of faith, charity, and performing the Hajj pilgrimage in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Although fasting through the month of Ramadan is mandated as per the Islamic tenet, however, there is no obligation for those who are ill, elderly, pregnant, breastfeeding, menstruating, or traveling to partake in Roza. All other Muslims are exhorted to engage in the Ramadan fast.

 All through the month of Ramadan, Muslims will take their meal during the early hours (pre-dawn) and this meal partaken by the Muslim community is referred to as ‘Sehri’, and the meal taken after sunset is called ‘Iftaar’. During the interim period, between Sehri and Iftar, Muslims are expected to participate in fasting, which will end with the Magrib Azan - the evening prayer on 9th / 10 April 2024.  All through this holy month of Ramadan, Muslims are expected to recommit themselves to engaging with their faith and in adhering to Roza, prayer, and sadaqat (voluntary charity in monetary or other ways.) The month of Ramadan is expected to last until 9th April and will end with grand celebrations that will be followed by a grand feast, which is referred to as Eid-ul-Fitr.

 Ramadan is also the time when Umrah- the pilgrimage to Mecca - is undertaken by Muslims. During the entire month of Ramadan, Muslims are not supposed to eat or drink anything after sunrise. People eat Sehri early in the morning before the sun rises and go for the morning prayers - Fajr. After the sun sets, they break their fast during the Iftar time. After Iftar, people go for the evening prayers - Maghrib, which symbolizes dusk.

The holy month of Ramadan, in a way, acts as a spiritual and physical detoxification. Besides partaking in Roza, the practitioners wake up very early in the day and prepare their meals, and consume them before sunrise. They offer five daily prayers and many will begin the day by reading the holy Quran. At sunset, they break their fast with an elaborate dinner, known as iftar, which coincides with maghrib prayer. Most Muslims break their prayers with dates and water, a tradition established by their founder Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him). In many places, Mosques often provide free iftar community meals to the needy. It is believed that giving or hosting an iftar meal fetches them thawab, (Sawāb or Thawāb) an Arabic term, that refers to spiritual merit or reward that accrues from the performance of good deeds and piety.

May the holy month of Ramadan, the prayers and Roza that Muslims partake in and so also their Zakat - charity and humanitarian activities such as feeding the underprivileged and introspection to enlighten their souls - please their Allah and Prophet Mohammad and bring in peace, happiness and prosperity to the world.

Wishing all the Muslim friends a very happy Ramzan.


Friday 8 March 2024

International Women's Day, 8 March, 2024 : Investing in Women: Accelerating Progress”

International Women's Day (IWD), celebrated annually on March 8th, serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for gender equality and the empowerment of women worldwide. This year, the theme "Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress" resonates deeply as nations, including India, strive towards achieving developmental milestones and envision a future of prosperity and inclusivity.

Today as we commemorate International Women’s Day  I am reminded of the Nobel Prize 2020, a momentous occasion and a rarity when two women deservingly won the coveted 2020, Nobel Prize in Chemistry. The 2020 Nobel Prize for Chemistry was awarded to ‘Madam’ scientists, Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier for their pioneering work on the development of CRISPR tool for gene editing, a discovery that holds great promises in medical applications, particularly for curing genetic diseases. Here is a link to my blog.

The Nobel Prize in chemistry, 2020 was announced yesterday and it has been  awarded to ‘Madam’ scientists Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier for their pioneering work on the development of CRISPR tool for gene editing, a discovery that holds out the possibility of curing genetic diseases.

One of the ancient Indian texts - Manusmriti - posted below, describes the significance of women’s position in the Indian society. 

यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यन्ते रमन्ते तत्र देवताः 

यत्रैतास्तु  पूज्यन्ते सर्वास्तत्राफलाः क्रियाः ।। मनुस्मृति /५६ ।।

(Loosely transcribed in English - Yatra naryastu pujyante ramante tatra Devata, yatraitaastu na pujyante sarvaastatrafalaah - Manusmriti).

Meaning - Where women are honoured, divinity blossoms, and where women are dishonoured, all action, no matter how noble, remain unfruitful. 

Unfortunately, although historically there is material evidence to suggest equal if not a higher position for women in the Indian society, yet, it is paradoxical that women continue to face the worst of discrimination even today, not just in India but globally. The situation is so grim that even in the third decade of the twenty first century (2024) we have to remind ourselves to rightfully demand for a jest gender equality. Therefore it is no wonder that this is enshrined as one of the important goals in the United Nations, Sustainable Development Goals - to ‘achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls’.

The genesis for the global struggle for equal rights for women in some kind of an organised way began in the early 1900s. The oppression and inequality were pushing women to become more vocal and active in campaigning for change and for a jest society where women are not discriminated. Looking back in history, it was on this very day – 8th March - in 1908 that an organised women labour movement started as a united march in which some 15000 women marched in an organised way through the New York City, demanding shorter working hours and better pay and right to vote for women, who until then were treated unequally in US. Encouraged by the response that the women’s march received, the Socialist Party of America joined hands with this movement and demanded for declaring the day, 8 March, as the National Woman's Day. The idea to convert this day into an International Women’s Day came from Clara Zetkin, leader of the Women’s Office for the Social Democratic Party in Germany. She tabled the idea of an International Women's Day during the International Conference of Working Women held in Copenhagen in 1910. She proposed that every year in every country, there should be a celebration on the same day to press for change, thus was born the International Women's Day. In the very next year, 1911, this day was celebrated as the Women’s Day in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. However, it was only in 1975 that the United Nations (UN) formally acknowledged and started celebrating this day as International Women’s Day. Ever since the IWD has been celebrated every year with a specific theme for each year.

In India, where a clarion call from the Prime Minister for a Viksit Bharat have drawn so much traction, aspirations run high to attain the status of a developed nation by 2047, the centenary of our independence, investing in women emerges as a pivotal strategy for accelerating progress across various socio-economic fronts. Historically, women in India have faced systemic discrimination and barriers to their full participation in society. Despite significant advancements in recent decades, gender disparities persist in areas such as education, healthcare, employment, and political representation. 

Investing in women entails more than just financial resources; it encompasses policies, programs, and societal attitudes that prioritize gender equality and women's empowerment. Education stands as a fundamental pillar of this investment. Providing girls with equal access to quality education not only enhances their individual capabilities but also contributes to overall societal development. Educated women are more likely to participate in the workforce, make informed decisions about their health and well-being, and become agents of change within their communities.

Furthermore, investing in women's health is crucial for ensuring the well-being of families and communities. Access to affordable and comprehensive healthcare services, including reproductive health services and maternal care, is essential for reducing maternal mortality rates and promoting the overall health of women and children. Addressing gender-based violence and ensuring women's safety are also integral aspects of investment in women's empowerment.

Economic empowerment is another vital dimension of investing in women. Closing the gender gap in employment opportunities, promoting entrepreneurship among women, and providing access to financial resources and markets can unleash the untapped potential of female workforce participation, thereby driving economic growth and poverty reduction.

Additionally, political representation and leadership roles for women are essential for fostering inclusive governance and decision-making processes. Increasing the participation of women in political institutions and leadership positions can lead to more equitable policies and ensure that women's voices are heard and their interests are represented.

As India marches towards its goal of becoming a developed nation by 2047, investing in women emerges as a strategic imperative for achieving sustainable and inclusive growth. By harnessing the full potential of its female population, India can accelerate progress towards its developmental objectives and create a more just and equitable society for all its citizens.

Given an opportunity, women can excel in the roles that they are tasked with, which I am witnessing at the CSMVS museum where I am currently working as an Advisor. In the ongoing exhibition at the museum,  ‘Ancient Sculptures’, which has been developed in partnership with British Museum, German Museum and Getty Museum, duly supported by the Getty Foundation, a team of all women curators from the CSMVS Museum, under the able leadership of their visionary leader Mr Sabyasachi Mukherjee, DG of the museum, have exemplarily proved the extraordinary potential that women possess in developing this exhibition and working on a range of academic programmes and activities which supplement this exhibition. This achievement of the all women team from CSMVS has not gone unnoticed. The global partners including the Getty Foundation the supporter for the exhibition were all praise for the wonderful all women team who led this global partnership exhibition, exemplifying the vast potential that women in India have. There are several other examples of women’s excellence in achievements in India be it the all women crew or the women’s contributions in space research and so also in Defence which has opened to women. 

Let this Women's Day serve as a timely reminder of the urgent need to invest in women to accelerate progress towards achieving India's developmental aspirations. Empowering women is not only a moral imperative but also a pragmatic strategy for building a more prosperous, inclusive, and resilient nation for future generations. Let us reaffirm our commitment to gender equality and women's empowerment as we embark on this transformative journey towards a brighter and more equitable future and work towards the betterment of women and invest  in Women to Accelerate Progress for achieving the vision to be a Viksit Bharat. 

 Wish you a very happy Women’s Day

Images : Courtesy Wikipedia and Nehru Science Centre, Mumbai 

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